Uncommon Identity

I want to say, Happy New Year to all my wonderful friends who follow my blog. I believe we are going to experience a great year in the Lord as we press forward in His Kingdom. You and I have been strategically placed on earth by the Divine will of God for His purpose and let me tell you He has awesome plans for our lives! We are not here by accident. You and I are not a mistake by our parents, God wanted us here or we wouldn’t be here! Therefore I’m excited about what’s in-store for us.

This year I want to focus on our identity in Christ. Everything we do, the choices we make all hinge on the understanding of identity. Even your faith is governed by it! The first thing to know is what the Apostle Paul penned in his letter to the Colossians. Colossians 1: 27 says, “. . . Christ in you, the hope of glory.” That verse sums up the definition of my identity; I am Christ in the earth! I’m not who He is, I am what He is. My identity is my spirit. By definition, identity means; sameness in all that constitutes the objective reality of a thing; Oneness. My spirit came alive the moment I believed that Jesus Christ was my Savior transforming me into His likeness. I became like Him to live as Him. I don’t ever have to question my salvation again; I have been sealed into the family of God by the blood of Christ. Therefore His covenant with His Father can never be broken. That makes me eternal in Christ and that is uncommon Identity.

Once I saw that in the Word of God my personal life was changed forever. My love for God changed from fear to exciting fellowship. Every day I go through life I don’t fear failing God and having to repent all the time. I have been set free to live as He did when He was on earth. Sin no longer has dominion over my life. Do I face temptations? Absolutely. However temptation isn’t sin. Temptation is a presentation that brings about a choice and because I know who I am in Christ I take dominion over the temptation causing it to be null and void. The Apostle Paul confirms in Galatians 2:20 that it is no longer I who lives but Christ who lives in me.

Understanding your identity in Christ will be a game changer for you this year. Your faith will be more pronounced, your choices will be easier to make, you will see answers to your prayers and you will begin to walk in health and wellness therefore enabling you to live life to its fullness. I make no bones about where I stand on the issue of daily communion. There is no doubt in my mind that my identity has been made strong because I know and understand the power of daily communion. This one act of faith has positioned my life on the offense of life rather than the defense. As often as I partake of the Lord’s Supper, which is every day, it always strengthens my identity in Christ because I totally get why He died for me. His death meant my death and you can’t have a resurrection without a death. His death then represents my victory over anything that life has to throw at me because He overcame it all in His life.

I am strong because He is strong. I walk in authority over the enemy because He defeated the enemy and put him under His feet which are my feet too! My goal is to enlighten you to the truth in God’s Word that will help you this year see how special you really are. I will share examples in the Word that will encourage you and show you how God really sees you. It is going to be a great year! Amen, Amen!

Many, many blessings,

Dr. Larry G Tolbert


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